
Money Flower Hand Bouquet | V16

Introducing our Money Hand Bouquet featuring S$128 cash and Colorful Baby's Breath Money, illuminated by LED fairy string lights. Order one day in advance to make their day even more special! (Price includes S$128 cash)

Free Singapore delivery + personalised greeting card included.

Key details on 14th Feb 

  1. While we can’t accommodate specific delivery times, rest assured your flowers will arrive between 10 am and, at the latest, by 4pm.
  2. Please note that all orders are final; refunds and cancellations are not allowed. 

*There will be an additional charge for orders delivered to MBS and Sentosa. Delivery is not available to Changi Airline Road and the Tuas area. *Jade Valley reserves the right to reject any orders and replace any item with another of equivalent value, depending on availability.

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